Aug 8, 2018

Get the file name of an uploaded file in ColdFusion

The file gets stored in a tmp folder before it is moved to its intended location. I know a lot of people that wanted to run validations on the file before this happens. Writing a cfdump of the form post will reveal the file but it will look like this :

The original file name is not included in the form post, one of the workarounds I have seen was to use Javascript to populate a hidden input field with the file name, this hidden field would then be included in the form structure. We know that Coldfusion knows the file name as it uses it to rename the tmp file to the file name once the file is moved to its intended location.

I did find that the file name is included in the form post but it is not obvious on how to get to it.

/* BEGIN - get uploaded image file name */
uploadedFileName = "";
getPartsArray = form.getPartsArray();
arrayIndex = arrayFind(getPartsArray,
{if(left(s, 38) == "com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.FilePart" )
return true; return false;});
if ( arrayIndex GT 0 ) {
uploadedFileName = getPartsArray[arrayIndex].getFileName();
/* END - get uploaded image file name */

I found the array being returned was not always consistent, hence the need to search through the array for the desired object. There probably is a better way to access this, and I will look into that when I have more time.

Sep 30, 2014

Create QR Code with ZXing library and ColdFusion

Using a combination of ColdFusion, ZXing, and JavaLoader you can create QR codes very easily.
Jermaine Gonzales
Simple QR creation with error correction using the ZXING library and javaloader.
ColdFusion 11
ZXING jar files:
The ZXING library used will be influenced by the ColdFusion library CF8 = ZXING core 2.3.0.
This was put together by following a few samples currently floating around, I was unable to find one that used the error correction however.
<h1>Create QR Code</h1>
<form action="#cgi.script_name#" method="post">
<label for="bcData">Data String:</label>
<textarea id="bcData" name="bcData" rows="3" cols="80"><cfif isDefined("form.bcData")>#trim(form.bcData)#</cfif></textarea>
<br />
<label for="size">Size:</label>
<input type="text" id="size" name="size" <cfif isDefined("form.size")> value="#trim(form.size)#"</cfif> />
<br />
<label for="errorC">Error Correction:</label>
<select id="errorC" name="ErrorC" >
<option value="L" <cfif isDefined("form.errorC") AND form.errorC IS "L">selected="selected"</cfif>>L</option>
<option value="M" <cfif isDefined("form.errorC") AND form.errorC IS "M">selected="selected"</cfif>>M</option>
<option value="Q" <cfif isDefined("form.errorC") AND form.errorC IS "Q">selected="selected"</cfif>>Q</option>
<option value="H" <cfif isDefined("form.errorC") AND form.errorC IS "H">selected="selected"</cfif>>H</option>
<br />
<input type="submit" name="generateCode" value="Create QR Code" />

if ( isDefined("form.bcData") AND len( trim(form.bcData) ) ) {
variables.paths = arrayNew(1);
variables.paths[1] = expandPath("\wwwroot\zxing\core-3.1.0.jar");
variables.paths[2] = expandPath("\wwwroot\zxing\javase-3.1.0.jar");
variables.loader = createObject("component", "wwwroot.javaloader.JavaLoader").init( paths );
variables.barCodeFormat = loader.create('');
variables.MatrixToImageWriter = loader.create('');
variables.EncodeHintType = loader.create('');

//setup the error correction level for the QR code
variables.errorCorrectionLevel = loader.create('');
//use a java hashtable for hints information
variables.javaHash = loader.create("java.util.Hashtable").init();

//determine error correction level and set

if ( isDefined("form.errorC") ) {
switch(form.errorC) {
case "L":
variables.javaHash.put(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION, ErrorCorrectionLevel.L);
//writeOutput("Choose L");
case "M":
variables.javaHash.put(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION, ErrorCorrectionLevel.M);
//writeOutput("Choose M");
case "Q":
variables.javaHash.put(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION, ErrorCorrectionLevel.Q);
//writeOutput("Choose Q");
case "H":
variables.javaHash.put(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION, ErrorCorrectionLevel.H);
//writeOutput("Choose H");
variables.javaHash.put(EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION, ErrorCorrectionLevel.Q);
//writeOutput("Choose Default");

// set the generated code size
if ( isDefined("form.size") AND len(trim(form.size)) AND isNumeric(trim(form.size)) ){
variables.useSize = trim(form.size);
else {
variables.useSize = 200;

//load the QR Writer and create the QR Code
try {
variables.QRCodeWriter = loader.create('').init();
variables.QRcode = variables.QRCodeWriter.encode( trim(form.bcData), variables.barCodeFormat.QR_CODE, variables.useSize, variables.useSize, variables.javaHash );
variables.imageQR = ImageNew( variables.MatrixToImageWriter.toBufferedImage( QRcode ) );

//create image and display the QR image
imageWrite(variables.imageQR, "images/genQR.jpg", 1);
writeOutput('<img src="images/genQR.jpg" />');
catch ( any e ) {
//if something happens an exception is thrown at the java level so ColdFusion will time out if it tries to use the cfcatch.message and cfcatch.detail. This probably could be handled better but for now this will work. writeOutput("There was an error creating the QR Code");

//examples to create a different barcodes
//load the PDF417 Writer and create the PDF417 Code
try {
variables.PDF417CodeWriter = loader.create('').init();
variables.PDF417code = PDF417CodeWriter.encode( form.bcData, BarcodeFormat.PDF_417, variables.useSize, variables.useSize );
variables.imagePDF417 = ImageNew( variables.MatrixToImageWriter.toBufferedImage( PDF417code ) );

//create image and display the QR image
imageWrite(variables.imagePDF417, "images/genPDF417.jpg", 1);
writeOutput('<img src="images/genPDF417.jpg" />');
catch ( any e ) {
writeOutput("There was an error creating the PDF417 Code");
//Load the AZTEC write and create the AZTEC code
try {
variables.AZTECCodeWriter = loader.create('').init();
variables.AZTECcode = AZTECCodeWriter.encode( form.bcData, BarcodeFormat.AZTEC, variables.useSize, variables.useSize );
variables.imageAZTEC = ImageNew( variables.MatrixToImageWriter.toBufferedImage( AZTECcode ) );
//create image and display the AZTEC image
imageWrite(variables.imageAZTEC, "images/genAZTEC.jpg", 1);
writeOutput('<img src="images/genAZTEC.jpg" />');
catch ( any e ) {
writeOutput("There was an error creating the AZTEC Code");



Apr 3, 2014

Remove Duplicates In A List Without A Loop

I had worked on a past project ColdFusion project that required me to process large amounts of list data from a ColdFusion web service. Part of the process involved removing duplicates, which was using a cfloop to loop through the list. They had a limit to the amount they could process since this was a web service and taking too long to respond back to the calling server can cause some timeout issues.

I was able to increase the amount that could be processed and increase performance by not not using a loop at all.

        lstNumbers = "1513,5845,9548,6955,5214,7845,3256,4588,1259,3578,9589,1513,3256,8599,5411,5698,8526,4785";
        writeOutput("List Length: " & #listLen(lstNumbers)# & "<br />");
        arrNumbers = listToArray(lstNumbers);
        writeOutput("Array Length: " & arrayLen(arrNumbers) & "<br />");
        objHashSet = createObject("java", "java.util.HashSet");
        arrCleanNumbers = objHashSet.toArray();
        writeOutput("Array Length No Duplicates: " & arrayLen(arrCleanNumbers) & "<br />");
        lstCleanNumbers = arrayToList(arrCleanNumbers);
        writeOutput("List Length No Duplicates: " & listLen(lstCleanNumbers));


I first created an array and then initiated the java HashSet object. I then converted my array to a java array, doing this will automatically remove the duplicates in the array. You can then create a list from this array. Simple, fast and no looping required.